Building a SaaS startup

So, currently, I am the founder of Vindy, a home improvement platform in the Netherlands and Belgium. We are growing fast with our product and now have over 5k users. The more you grow in users, the more feedback you’ll get as in new feature requests or things like bugs. So, we wanted to use a tool where we could manage all of those requests in one simple overview based on priority. We tried a couple of tools, but they all weren’t exactly what we were looking for or were very expensive.So. We’ve decided to build it on our own. And that’s where my second startup is all about.

It's named; Upvoty!

With Upvoty I want to help other businesses to manage their ? feedback in a proper and easy way. And the best thing; I finally have the chance to do what I wanted to do ever since I'm into startups; I'm going to document every step I make from day 1. Here on my blog and on my Instagram and Twitter.

Let's take a look at the roadmap

Since I'm into product development for quite some years, my first advantage was the set-up of the product roadmap. Nowadays I accept that we first need to start small, gain real user feedback and only after that building a final version for release. So let's take a look at how I've set-up our product roadmap.roadmapI divided our roadmap into 2 sections; a 1.0 phase and a 2.0 phase. With the 1.0 phase, We'll start with a basic website, developing and designing the first version of the tool, then the beta release with user testings, more product development based on new feedback and at the end we will try some organic marketing channels - like Product Hunt - that need to bring the first users.

I'll share everything!

I decided to share everything; which steps we make, the successes, the failures and even the real data like user metrics and MRR (see below). Will my second startup succeed or fail? We will see. Literally.? Feel free to sign up for a FREE TRIAL! Follow Upvoty!


We launched on Product Hunt: What we've learned!


How to handle customer feedback